Scientific research contains a different set of methodologies and approaches aimed at developing knowledge and understanding the natural world. Descriptive method is indeed considered as one of the types of scientific research, which focuses on describing the characteristics of a phenomenon without changing it.

Scientific research contains a different set of methodologies and approaches aimed at developing knowledge and understanding the natural world. Descriptive method is indeed considered as one of the types of scientific research, which focuses on describing the characteristics of a phenomenon without changing it.

يستهدف هذا المقياس إعطاء الطالب قواعد البحث العلمي المنهجي حتى يستطيع الوصول إلى نتائج علمية حقيقية من أجل أن يكتسب الطالب آليات التفكير القانوني السليم، من خلال دراسة المدارس القانونية ومناهجها.